artsitecanada Nebula Gardens

Nebula Gardens

Photo by: Sherman Photography

Dimensions: 40 foot long curved 76” H X 1 1/8 “ thick
Medium: Cast glass painting
Commissioned by: Fairborn Capstone Homes Ltd
Location: 135 West 2nd Street North Vancouver
Installed: 2014

It defines the entrance of the pathway running from Second Avenue to the Sea bus in North Vancouver.

We set ourselves to enquire on the ephemeral state of being, where everything that is, ceases to be and becomes another.

The artwork is a metaphor for passage and journey into the unknown.

It stimulates the senses as it captures light. The viewer is invited to a place of softness, permeability and reflection. The glass is full of bubbles of colour and diffused layers which breath life and charged energy into the environment.

It’s location in the landscape creates a contrast to the hard edge urban cityscape.

Photo by: Claudia Cuesta

Installing glass panels for Nebula Garden
Photo by: Claudia Cuesta

Installing glass panels for Nebula Garden
Photo by: Claudia Cuesta